Thursday, October 4, 2012

Quiet times with Preston...can that happen in this house??

Preston has been such an easy one to take care of. He is content most of the time. I do cherish our alone time together when I am nursing him or rocking him to sleep. Yes I have successfully figured out a way to do this with E and C in the same house. It's called locking the door. Maybe it's cruel, and maybe I shouldn't but it has worked for me! As a result I have that time with Preston and I don't have two little ones hovering over me the whole time asking for things...treating my bed like boingo bounce...stepping on my toes to try and hold his little hands or feet...or give him their hugs. The whole time they were around I was saying ok, let's be quiet or hey let's not give him another hug so he can eat OR please don't wrestle on the bed while he's trying to sleep. I dont yell and lose my patience as much! I am SO thankful they love their little brother so much but they have their time with him other times. I tell them before I go to my room where I am going so they know that it's Preston's time with momma. So far they have been understanding and I am thankful..and as a result Im a better momma!

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