Sunday, October 28, 2012

Connor turns 2

Our sweet boy turned 2 October 22nd. He is running everywhere and climbing anything! He is starting to communicate a lot more using 2 and 3 word sentences. He loves his brother Yi Yi, Daddy, Bob the tomato, Papa, and that order! :) Connor is a Daddy's boy! He loves the "cars" characters Lightning McQueen and Mater. Other favorite toys are thomas the train and Thomas the Train app on mommas iphone. He can operate my phone and I have learned a hard lesson leaving him unattended with it...have had some apps accidentally deleted by this up and coming iPhone user. He enjoys pushing his lawn mower outside and throwing balls! He can catch pretty good now. :) Connor loves to paint with water colors! He asks to do this often! I must finish by saying that he loves many things but his favorites are Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber!

Connor's favorite foods are pizza and crackers. Preferably the bunny cheese crackers. He likes most fruit and a yogurt/veggie mix that I mix together. He guzzles down his almond milk after naps and his juice with breakfast. Other favorites are fruit smoothies and anything sweet of course!

Connor can count to three...we count the stairs when we go up them! Connor can also sing some of his ABC's with his brother Eli. I look forward to working with him more when Eli starts back to preschool after Christmas. Connor prays..he says daddy, momma, yi yi, amen! Precious! He knows some of John 3:16 when I sing it to him. (Momma puts bible verses to a tune...hoping they can memorize it easier). He! :)

Connor is such a sweet boy! He is easily content most of the time unless he doesn't feel well. He has struggled with his 2 year molars and has been fussy and needy as a result. He is a sensitive little boy which makes it harder when big brother teases him or when he falls. He takes discipline pretty hard too ...cries easily. I've had to reevaluate what's the best way to correct him. Hard season right now being the middle baby! Hopeful to have time with just Connor when Eli goes back to preschool after Christmas!

I cherish Connor's servants heart and compassionate nature! Connor is very helpful and willing to serve without being asked. He picks up his toys, dusts, mops, and puts his dishes in the sink when he's done.

My prayer for Connor...that his love for Christ and Others grows. That he would use his compassionate servants heart to help others. I pray that he would be grounded in truth and unwavering in who The Lord has made him to be. Be bold, humble, and confident.

Sleeps 7:30-6:30am
Naps 12:30pm-3:30pm

Weight 32lbs
Height 36.34"

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