Sunday, October 28, 2012

Preston - 1 month old

It's hard to believe Preston is already 1 month old! He is changing so much. He is "fattening" up with little fat rolls here and there...I think he will be a big boy like his brother Eli. Eli and Connor just adore him! They want hug him often and touch his little hands and feet. Preston's first smile was for Eli when he talked to him. Preston lights up when his brothers are around. He is very communicative...always responds by cooing and he smiles often! One of my favorite things is that he likes to "nuzzle" his face into mine when I have him on my shoulder. Precious! He is very easy to take care of...doesn't cry much except when gassy. Loves the ergo carrier...prefers to be close to momma! Will sleep long lengths of time in this!
One thing we continue to battle is thrush! He and I continue to pass it back and forth to each other. Uugh!!! Isn't painful.... Just wanting it to be gone. Hard one to stomp out!

-sleep at least 3 1/2 hours at a time at night. Longest stretch has been 6 hours. Likes to sleep every 2 hrs during the day. Prefers to sleep in his car seat over the bassinet.

- nurses great every 2 1/2 hours

- weighs 10lbs?? Gained so well (regained to birth weight plus 5ozs) at first doctor's visit that it wasn't necessary to come back until the 2 month visit!

- wears size 1 diapers

For You formed my inward parts;
You wove me in my mother's womb. (Psalm 139:13 NASB)

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