Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Other October Pics


Preston–1 1/2 months

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We LOVE Veggietales so we introduce to you our very own Bob and LarryBoy!  One of Connor’s first words was Bob so I made him his very own Bob costume.  We had so much fun spending it with our sweet friends and neighbors!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Date with my Eli

Brad and I have decided to start having dates individually with our boys! Every weekend we take a couple of hours and have fun with one of them. So.. Eli and I went this past Saturday morning to hobby lobby and then to lunch at Atlanta bread company. He probably thanked me 10 or more times, giving me BIG hugs on my leg. He even thanked me when I asked him if he would like soup or salad with his sandwich and ordering exactly what he wanted. He was SO good during our time together...people even commented how polite and sweet he was.

As I realized how much this little guy loves this it broke my heart...why haven't we done this sooner ...this boy really needs this it seems. Gonna continue to do this!!!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Eli's first Sleepover

With our best buddy Hudson. They both did so good. After Michele and I tucked them in for their nap we told them they needed to stay in their beds and go to sleep. And they did!!! They actually fell asleep abstaining from the huge temptation to get out and play or even talk and giggle. Now we know we can do this more often!! They had a great time!

Library time

We love the library! We used to go every week but now...with three little guys...our time there has been limited. Recently we went with Michele and Hudson. Connor and Eli have always enjoyed Storytime. Afterwards we like to go and play with the puzzles and pick out our books to take home.

Favorite books to check out...Otis, Otis and the tornado, lightning mc queen books, and the beloved Wiggle Waggle....connor's personal favorite!

My prayer is that as their little minds soak up earthly wisdom that they most importantly...

Learn to do good;
Seek justice,
Reprove the ruthless,
Defend the orphan,
Plead for the widow. (Isaiah 1:17)

More pictures of Preston

These are some pictures of Preston with Dr Cunningham, Michele Tencleve, and what our 2 and 3 am feeding times look like...he's wide awake and brad and I are ready to sleep!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Eli - 3 1/2 years old

Eli has become such a big boy now! Bye bye toddlerhood! He can recite his letters and their sounds. Count to 15. Enjoys reading...a lot! Favorites are the veggie tale books, Otis the tractor books, and currently Gifts for a King. He knows shapes, primary colors, and loves to sing! Yes, loves music and singing! He can sit, listen, and sing most of the words to the veggie tales Hosanna CD. I'm so glad because he has memorized a lot of scripture this way. He likes this CD so much and almost always asks me to turn it up!!

Eli is enjoying playing with Connor more. Of course it is bittersweet sometimes when they want the same toy. They often chase each other, wrestle and unfortunately fight. When someone starts crying they take a "time out" until they can simmer and apologize. I encourage them to hug and say I forgive you. They are buddies and I can see Eli's growing love and appreciation for Connor in how he makes sure Connor is cared for. If Eli asks for a sticker he wants one for Connor too! If he gets a prize for being a peacemaker he wants one for Connor too! If Connor gets a spanking Eli gets upset too!

We are struggling with his hitting. We are praying about how to handle this in him. Usually when he has the most emotion he feels the need to hit. Why? When I return to pick him up from being gone he wants to hit, if I say that I am sad or frustrated he wants to hit.
Prayerfully trying to figure out what our discipline needs to be with him.

He is such an inquisitive and compassionate boy! Questions are often asked! Sometimes they dont make sense because of his growing imagintion. He also doesn't want me to "help" him anymore. He prefers independence.

Praying The Lord raises him up to become a man who loves Christ more than anything the world would offer. That he would live his life full of humility (to abstain from pride- always able to listen and obey The Lord), love others well, willingness to serve selflessly -Christ first, others second, himself third, and most importantly he be lead by the Holy Spirit/Wisdom! That he would be a leader by example. Praying he learns self control over his emotions in a healthy way. It's a crazy world he is growing up this age of tolerance may he have discernment and boldness to stand firm in Truth.

Before bed brad and I read bible stories and sing some songs with him and Connor. The other night we said let's sing some Christmas songs...brad said how about "jingle bells"...Eli said no...a Jesus song! Made me smile!

Noteworthy things he does:

Eli loves for me to sing whole world when he is scared

Loves to cuddle with his blanket during sleep times

He says "you are a gooood do too much"! I think he's learned this from brad.

drinks milk when he gets up with blanket

Loves backyardagans,curious George, veggie tales, McQueen, stickers,
comic books, dinosaurs, sea life, trucks and trains

Eating almost whole sandwiches

Eating 6 count combo meals from Chickfila

Eli is learning to get dressed all by himself

Started sleeping under the covers. Up until now he's preferred no covers.

Funny sayings:

Connor fussy- momma Connor needs to nurse?

Connor fussy - come here Connor ill hold you!

Momma can I put my dress on- translation - can I get dressed?

Momma I ate something good. What is it Eli? He said I ate a plant leaf. We've been talking about how good dounach is for you so I guess he thought a plant leaf would be good too!!!

Up between 6:30-7:30am
Naps around 1:00pm
Bedtime 8:00-8:30pm

Love our sweet boy!! We feel incredibly blessed to have him as our son!