Friday, March 11, 2011

Brad goes to China

Brad traveled to China for an EHS conference. He was gone for a week and everyone missed him. Marilyn came to stay with us for a few days while he was gone. Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder. We really missed him. He came back with gifts for all of us. He brought me back a strand of fresh water pearls and a North Face jacket! The pearls are beautiful. He brought the boys back toys, his Mom a Prada purse, and co workers and friends North Face Jackets. Prices are great over there for several reasons. Unfortunately the Chinese do not treat their workers well and they pay them next to nothing. They also require them to work long days and in conditions that are not safe. It has been said that they also employ children. That is why the products can be sold so cheap. We should probably consider not buying anything that says made in China.

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