Saturday, March 12, 2011

My love for my family....

I feel like the most blessed girl in the world! I have a wonderful husband, healthy kiddos, quality friends, and a great church family. What more can a girl ask for? I think that being a wife and a mommy is the most fulfilling job a girl can have. Yes, you have late nights and are exhausted, yes, you are not the most stylish girl in town-in fact, your t's probably have juice stains and holes in them like mine, yes, you are at home a lot, yes, you have to do a lot of laundry, BUT somehow the Lord gives you the most joy and satisfaction in this great job. It's neat to see how when you follow God's perfect plan there is the most satisfaction and joy. I delight to see the "fruit" in what we are teaching and planting in Eli's heart...yes, he is still very young to understand many things but he understands simply that we love him, expect him to behave as Christ would call him to behave, and we love others well. Lord, it is humbling to think that you have trusted us with these two hearts and lives to mold and shape. Please equip us to train Eli and Connor up to love and honor you with their lives and to love others well! May we be able to model that well for them.

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