Friday, March 11, 2011


Valentine's is celebrated a bit differently these days. With two boys,
romantic dates out on the town are hard to pull off. For the price of roses I
would rather buy a new t-shirt to wear around the house or clothes for my boys.
Priorities have changed. :) So.. I tried my hardest to make it special. My
friend Marian and I "conspired" together and came up with a dinner that would
WOW our hubbies. After all... you get to a mans heart through his stomach
right??? The menu was chicken parmigian, caesar salad (from scratch), heart
shaped rolls, ice cream pie and Shangria mixed with 7 up. It was a hit! I
greeted him at the door with my best outfit...actually I think this was the same
dress I wore last year... which also received the Wow award. Yea! Trying to keep
the house clean for him when he got home, not burn the rolls, cook the chicken
parmigian, roll my hair, put on my makeup, and try to lovingly handle the two
year old at my feet untying my dress was almost enough to make me want to scrap
the whole plan and order takeout. But, I love my husband dearly and wanted him
to feel extra appreciated on this special day. Here is the pic of the "menu"
Marian and I created. I also attached hershey's kisses to love notes and put
them in places he would find. I am thankful for my hubby and realize that I love
him more than the day I married him. The Lord knew what I needed in a husband
and gave me Brad.

Brad surprised me with flowers and a 1 hour massage!!! He knows how to
speak my love language. :) What a sweety he is... He and Eli went to Lowe's and made me a heart shaped wooden jewelry box that plays music. Precious! I'm afraid that I will have to rent a storage unit to save all my little boys creations...

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