What a big boy you are now! We love you so much! I sometimes laugh outloud at your little personality. You have some feist, sweetness, awareness of what is going on around you, smiles that beam back at you if you talk to you and contentment that is just charming. If I am talking to someone you are usually smiling at them so much it is distracting to them so they just must talk to you too! You are precious! Your brothers and Daddy love you and so do I!
What you are doing:
Rolled over!!! Feb 15 2013
Reaching for objects
Nursing every 3-4 hours
Very communicable
Wearing size 2 diapers
Sleeping from 7-6:30ish
Naps mornings from 9-10:30ish and takes two afternoon naps. Sleeps every 2 hours.
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