Sunday, January 20, 2013


What you are doing:

Can count to 5 - 2 yrs 3 month

Knows some of his colors - 2 yrs 3 month

I Call you sweet pea...we dance to "sweet pea apple of my eye" love it when I snuggle you close and we dance! We dance often!

You have constipation issues- small frequent poops. Seem to be unable to pass all if it. Bothers you. I'm wondering if it is IBS.

You sleep in the afternoon from 1:00 - 4:00. Bedtime is 7:45 and you sleep until 7:00am.

Love to help in the kitchen

2yr 3months - climbed up all by yourself to go down slides at boingo bounce. You are a brave boy!!

You have shown interested in learning to go on the potty... You have put your pee pee and poo poo in it once each.

You really like to color and paint.

Love our dog Cali!

You are a sweet big brother to Preston. As soon as either of you wake up you want to say hi to him. You say "hi buddy". You are extra gentle to him. He loves you!

Love blocks, Mater, Lightning McQueen, and Veggie Tales. Especially Bob and Larry.

You try to be funny by saying "I eat po po"!

Getting over fear of going down slides! Will go by yourself now! You now play on the 5+playground at the park! What a big boy you are!

You are in physical therapy 1 day a week to help you gain stability and strength. One of the things they are working with you on is how to jump. So, the whole family is joining in the fun! We all play leap frog with you to help you learn. We have "custom" made lily pads that we hop on...we hop from the balance board in the living room, across our construction paper lily pads and end on the "bank of the pond" in the kitchen. It's quite fun and hilarious!

What a tender and compassionate little boy you are. You also are a enjoy bringing a smile to others. When we have company you often are smiling at them bringing a smile to their faces. You light up when others are around! You are intuitive and usually can sense when someone is sad or mad. You will actually ask them...are you sad...are you mad?! With this sweet side of you comes a side that breaks my heart and that is your sensitivity. You cry often...I have to hold you close until you calm down.

Prayer for you...
May you grow into the way God designed you to be and live up to the purposes he has set for you. May your tenderness and compassion give you insight into how to love others well. Be thankful for this gift. May you not be overcome with sadness but joy...may the Lord bless you with strength and perspective through these emotions that you have. As you grow remember to Pray always for wisdom that comes from The Lord. He is the giver of this through His Spirit.

May you continue to grow in your relationship with Eli. Love each other with brotherly love. Be patient with each other...encourage one another. May you grow in physical strength. May you learn to handle your sensitivity... That it wouldnt be a hindrance to you but a you a compassion and love for the Lord and others motivating you to pray often. Emotions can be deceiving sometimes...may you be able to have the maturity to put them before The Lord before they overcome you. Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ!

May you know how much we love you and are proud of you! :)

Ps - excuse all grammatical errors! Don't have extra time to go back and edit. :)

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