Monday, November 5, 2012

Preston 2 months

Preston continues to be such a joy in our lives!!! When you talk to him he "beams" a smile right back to you! Even through tears he can usually muster up a smile for ya! I love this boy and am so thankful for him! His brothers continue to love him too! Always wanting to give him a big hug or share a toy. I often find them sharing their favorite blankets with him and offering a favorite snack (have to watch carefully or keep Preston out of their reach). I am grateful for their love for him!

Here are some details about this sweet one!
7 weeks old - wearing 6 months clothes
8 weeks old - slept 9 hrs 15 mins one night. Wish this would continue! :)
8 weeks old - vaccinations - Dtap and PC
Wearing size 2 diapers
10 weeks - laughed outloud
Bedtime around 8-9. Gets up twice to eat and sleeps until 7ish.

His routine...wakes up, nurses, awake for 1 1/2ish hours and is ready to go back to sleep before the 2 hour point.
ALWAYS naps within 2 hours of wakefulness. Naps are usually around 45minutes. Some longer but on average they are 45minutes.

Started sleep training...:( hard on momma but we have seen success with it so I am pressing on with it. I start soothing him as soon as he starts to seem tired. I look for that to happen around 1 1/2 hrs of being awake! I soothe him for a few minutes and lay him down. He protested in the beginning but is now getting used to it. Would rather a little protest before sleep than trying to soothe a fussy baby who needs to sleep but won't because I'm keeping him awake. And it's easier on me because I don't have the time to rock him to sleep. Secretly wish I did...

Sleeps in bassinet now! Finally...Preston loved his car seat and probably would continue to sleep there if we would let him.

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