Friday, November 30, 2012



We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Rekus’.  All the kids had a great time together.  Elena and Daisy put on a little skit portraying the Thanksgiving story equipped with costumes that Elena had made herself.  The rock pile in the back was a big hit with all the kids as well as all the fun toys in the basement.  Eli asked to see his cousins for days after we left.

Monday, November 26, 2012


On Halloween everyone had colds but we put that aside and tried to have fun anyways. We enjoyed a jackolantern sandwich took a nap and then got ready for our big night! I asked the boys earlier in the season what they wanted to be for Halloween and of course Connor said "bob the tomato" and Eli wanted to be "Larryboy". I found the Larryboy costume on eBay and i made the Bob costume. Preston was a giraffe. Connor and Preston were fussy so our night was short. We trick or treated around 1 block then called it a good night and were done.

New blender

Sianara Osterizer you've been a good friend...HELLO Ninja!! Osterizer you have blended many smoothies, pureed all the baby food and grinded all the grains to make the kids porridge. BUT Brad found the Ninja! It has a 1000 watt blender and almost double the capacity. This was an early anniversary/christmas gift! It makes my life so much easier!! No more steaming veggies to be puréed...this is strong enough to handle blending raw veggies(healthier to do it this way), can grind more grain for cereal, and doubles as a food processor too! Pretty excited about it!

Thanks to my sweet husband who knows what I need! Love him!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Getting outside...

It's been beautiful recently so we have got outside to enjoy the last bit of warmer weather before winter hits and we're stuck inside. I captured some cute pics of the boys enjoying it!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Date night with Dad

Dad and I had a date night tonight at Barnes and Noble. We had a great time looking over parenting books, bicycle and outdoor magazines over tea and coffee. We shared stories and he gave me advice on parenting. We hope to continue to do my dad!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Life gets's my heart?

Wow! I am a three ring circus! I desperately want my heart to be like a gentle stream amidst this circus...calm, joyful, steady but it isn't always. I want to be Christ centered, abounding with His qualities, teaching His truths to my kids and most importantly modeling his qualities for them to see played out in real life but it isn't always. I want to be the best wife for Brad but I'm not always. I am sinful and ugly sometimes! So...why the division in my heart?! These verses encouraged me..

For we know that the Law is spiritual, but I am of flesh, sold into bondage to sin. For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate. But if I do the very thing I do not want to do, I agree with the Law, confessing that the Law is good. So now, no longer am I the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me. For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not. For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want. But if I am doing the very thing I do not want, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me. (Romans 7:14-20 NASB)

So...I need More of Christ in me to replace this sinful nature of mine! He gives me grace and the striving "to be..."ceases! Why does he often take a backseat? Busyness in my heart, chasing after other love's...clean house, great kids, be great wife i can somehow WILL myself to be those things?!?! want the daily walk that makes Him my first love and for my heart and actions to follow suit. For my priorities to be His priorities. See and feel what truly matters so I can let go of the things that don't. Then instead of striving to be those things that I really need to be I will be because of Him and not by my efforts. And...the striving circus ends! :)

The Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him,
The spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The spirit of counsel and strength,
The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. (Isaiah 11:2 NASB)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Adventure Walk- Love God Love Others

Tonight we went on an adventure walk down to the trail. Eli wanted to take the "grass trail" so we did. Keep in mind that it is pitch dark now at 6:30pm. We walked for awhile and then sat down on a bench to take in the beauty of stars. Talked about how God made all the stars and Eli chimed in "Momma God made the earth too"! So proud of my little boy. I want so desperately for him to know what a great God we serve!

Anyways, when we got back to the house Eli went and found my mum and picked some "flowers" for me. Connor followed his lead. I love my boys hearts to love.

So grateful for their maturing hearts and that they are beginning to know how great God is and to love others!


Monday, November 5, 2012

Preston 2 months

Preston continues to be such a joy in our lives!!! When you talk to him he "beams" a smile right back to you! Even through tears he can usually muster up a smile for ya! I love this boy and am so thankful for him! His brothers continue to love him too! Always wanting to give him a big hug or share a toy. I often find them sharing their favorite blankets with him and offering a favorite snack (have to watch carefully or keep Preston out of their reach). I am grateful for their love for him!

Here are some details about this sweet one!
7 weeks old - wearing 6 months clothes
8 weeks old - slept 9 hrs 15 mins one night. Wish this would continue! :)
8 weeks old - vaccinations - Dtap and PC
Wearing size 2 diapers
10 weeks - laughed outloud
Bedtime around 8-9. Gets up twice to eat and sleeps until 7ish.

His routine...wakes up, nurses, awake for 1 1/2ish hours and is ready to go back to sleep before the 2 hour point.
ALWAYS naps within 2 hours of wakefulness. Naps are usually around 45minutes. Some longer but on average they are 45minutes.

Started sleep training...:( hard on momma but we have seen success with it so I am pressing on with it. I start soothing him as soon as he starts to seem tired. I look for that to happen around 1 1/2 hrs of being awake! I soothe him for a few minutes and lay him down. He protested in the beginning but is now getting used to it. Would rather a little protest before sleep than trying to soothe a fussy baby who needs to sleep but won't because I'm keeping him awake. And it's easier on me because I don't have the time to rock him to sleep. Secretly wish I did...

Sleeps in bassinet now! Finally...Preston loved his car seat and probably would continue to sleep there if we would let him.