My Blog not only documents special memories but also is a journal. I want to remember lessons learned so I can go back and see how His hand worked me through them. I wish I had more time to write in a journal so this is a great option for me!
What Momma isn't like a MOMMA BEAR from time to time? Can you even get mad at kids? Just seems wrong. :) Im wrestling with the emotions that come with wanting to protect my kids and the knowledge that sometimes difficult situations will teach them how to handle themselves. I have always strived for peace in my friendships by overlooking an offense (unless Truth needed to be said) but when it comes to my kids... Well now that's a whole new territory for me. Can you get mad at these kids that are provoking and teasing your kids? I'm prayerfully trying to figure out how much I protect and how much to intervene for my kids. Should I view these situations as learning situations for my kids or protect them until they are old enough to handle them properly? Eli did not handle himself right in recent situations and he got in trouble for it...should he have gotten in trouble? Yes because his behavior was not acceptable BUT how can I teach a 3 year old how to handle himself with teasing and provoking in a way suitable to the situation? Does he have the discipline over his reactions yet? I don't think I can expect this level of maturity. I am torn with what my expectations need to be when he is faced with situations he has never dealt with.
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