Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gods little boy is BRAVE

Eli woke up last night crying... Which is rare... So I immediately went to him. I walked in and he wanted me to hug him. I asked him "are you afraid Eli"? He paused and then said "God's lille boy is brave Momma!". His tone was saying come on momma don't you know I am brave?!?!

I am just soaking up this precious stage and his maturing personality and behavior. If you would have been a fly on the wall in our dining room last night you would have seen my mouth drop open when he said after I gave him his plate of spaghetti, carrots and bread "Thank you Momma"! I about fell over. He has said this a few times now with other things. I love his compassionate and grateful heart! Um...let me disclose that this sweet stage also has brought a strong will too! Along with this strong will comes challenging me on things and disobedience. comes more discipline! Hate it that my sweet Eli has to go through it but it's for his own good! Im trying to be consistent with expectations and discipline. Its hard work but absolutely necessary so this challenging stage is "short lived". It seems like I'm always striving to remain cool and collected in the midst of challenges.... In other words... In charge! Its hard to pull off sometimes especially when those pregnancy hormones are raging too! :) I wish I could say I am one of those mommas who are always cool under pressure. I admire them! How do kids know when you are most exhausted and those are the times they are the most difficult?

Lord give me your patience for my kiddos when they are a challenge. Give me a keen sense of how to administer your, justice, love, and grace through discipline without embittering them. Help me to have guard towers over my mouth so even in discipline I speak encouragement and truth into their hearts. Help me be able to discern when to discipline for the things that matter and help me to ignore the things that don't. Use Brad and I to instill in them character that will shape them into men that honor and reflect you.

1 comment:

  1. Shelley, Eli's story is have all you need to discipline your sons. It is promised. I personally think children are pretty smart. I don't think so much they wait until you are tired, but that they are waiting for you to be inconsistent. And, truly I believe that every child wants and needs discipline. They are often pushing us to see if we will follow through or if they will get away with stepping over the line...that human nature...Praying for you to be consistent...even when you are tired. But, don't forget to grab the grace for yourself as you extend it to others. Love you!
