Monday, May 20, 2013

Riding out the storm

Yesterday a Tornado ripped through an Oklahoma City suburb killing over 50 people. This same storm was headed our way yesterday evening around dinner time. We saw the sky turn dark, wind start blowing, and heard the Fayetteville "tornado warning" sirens. So we gathered some supplies and headed to my closet and all huddled there. Oh the chatter as we were trying to explain what was happening. Lot of questions and verbal processing. We attempted to calm their fears by explaining the storms...told them about how the warm clouds and the cold clouds crashing together make thunder. Explained how tornadoes work and assured them they are not the lightning. We talked about the Otis and the tornado book and how all the farmers and animals were safe after the tornado passed because they were in their "safe place" us. (Didnt share that even safe places aren't always safe from massive tornado's). We had the opportunity to pray for our safety and talk about how God is bigger than the thunderstorms.
Because of the additional storms rolling through the area, they were a little fearful of being by themselves. So we let them sleep in mommy and daddy's room...this has never happened it was a treat for them.

It was good having a teachable moment like that. Although I would rather not be in danger of dangerous tornado's. My heart goes out to all the families that suffered the loss of loved ones in the tornado that ripped through a suburb of Oklahoma City.

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