Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Eli - New favorite toy

The Mini-Kick Scooter. He is loving this scooter. Eli and his neighbor friend Carter race up and down the sidewalk...up and down every driveway, skid out, run into the grass, and brake with one foot I have been really impressed with how fast he is and able to handle it as well as he does. Brad and I have been impressed by his coordination. We take this to parks with us and around the neighborhood. Im SO glad he has found something that is good exercise and he has a great time doing!

Connor- funny quotes

Connor see's I have eaten something...momma what is that? I say nothing because I had already swallowed it. He says...momma I want "nothiiiiing"! With a little bit of a whine.

Momma I like church! It's not your church it's myyyyy church!

Homemade sunscreen recipe

Since getting into using young living essentials oils as alternatives to OTC medications I have discovered other uses for these little multi purpose bottles...one of those many things is sunscreen!

Here's the article about it:

A few things to remember when you are having fun in the sun:

Drink plenty of water. Just because you might be in the swimming pool or in the ocean, or lake doesn’t mean you don’t need water. Even more so! By the time you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated.
Pack healthy snacks for on the go. This will help your pocket book not to mention your health.
Take a beach umbrella or find a shady spot to rest in, periodically, when outdoors for a lengthy time.
Wear a hat and sunglasses
Apply sunscreen every 2-3 hours
In regards to sunscreen, do you look at the label and read the ingredients? Do you know what you are putting on your body? Rule of thumb… What goes ON your body, goes IN your body.( I am learning too, so don’t feel guilty) Can you pronounce the ingredients that are in your products? How many ingredients are listed? The fewer the better. These are some things to notice.

Why use or make an all natural sunscreen?

Like so many of our hair, skin and personal care products, most sunscreen ingredients are toxic for the body. Did you know that sun block has a caution that states “…may be carcinogenic?” Do you realize that means it is known to cause cancer? Isn’t skin cancer the reason we use traditional sun block? Now you can make your own! By using YL essential oil products, you can give health to your body while you are protecting it!! Go out in the sun feeling safe and happy and not having to worry if your child puts his fingers in his mouth or your dog licks your leg.. the homemade sunscreen is edible! I don’t think any of us can say that about the sunscreens we buy in the store. Using toxic creams and lotions is one of the reasons why we have the skin conditions we encounter today. To catch you up on just one product that is listed in many of our skin care products, read about Propylene Glycol.

If you want to use all natural sunscreen and don’t want to purchase any, consider making your own. All natural sunscreens can easily be made with pure therapeutic grade essential oils and a carrier oil, like coconut, jojoba, avocado, grape seed oil, or V-6 oil. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to both prevent and to treat sunburns.

Which essential oils are the best for sunscreen protection?

Lavender, Helichrysum, Roman Chamomile, Frankincense, Myrrh

Which carrier oils are best for sunscreen protection?

Coconut, Jojoba, Avocado, Grape seed oil, Olive or YL V-6 oil

The mentioned above essential oils and carrier oils have low SPF protection. When it comes to using essential oils and carrier oils, we want to use the best quality oils available because they are absorbed into your skin! This is why I use and highly recommend Young Living essential oils and Tropical Traditions.

Sunscreen Recipes:

1/4 cup oil (coconut, olive, jojoba, grapeseed, YL V-6 are good)
5 tsp Zinc Oxide (available onlineor in many stores on the diaper aisle, just make sure it is pure zinc oxide)
1 TBSP Beeswax or emulsifying wax
3 TBSP natural aloe vera gel (not the kind with alcohol or propylene glycol)
1/2 cup distilled water
2-3 capsules of Vitamin E oil
30 drops of Essential Oils of choice (I recommend using 3 essential oils with 10 drops each)
Heat Oil and beeswax on double boiler until just melted. Remove from heat, and add vitamin E and essential oils. Put into bowl that will not be used for food, and add zinc oxide powder, set aside. In small pan, heat water and aloe vera until just warm. Add the water/aloe mixture slowly while whisking vigorously. SPF 20. Add more zinc oxide to increase SPF protection.

Another Recipe for Sunscreen Protection:

• 1 small sauce pan

• 1 med sauce pan

• Handheld mixer

• Empty bottle-(safe for essential oils)

• 5 oz. oil (coconut, jojoba, avocado, V-6)

• 1/2 oz. beeswax

• 4 oz. distilled water

• 2 tbsp. powdered zinc oxide

• 10 drops YL Myrrh essential oil

• 10 drops YL Lavender essential oil

• 10 drops YL Frankincense essential oil

• 1 tsp Sulfurzyme

Place medium sauce pan on stove with about 1 cup of water. Put smaller pan inside medium pan. (Make sure the water doesn’t come over the edges..only cover bottom of pan) Turn heat to medium …bring water to a very LOW boil. Combine oil and beeswax in the small pan and warm over medium heat. Remove from heat and pour in distilled water. Mix with electric handheld mixer until the ingredients are thick and smooth. Add zinc oxide & Sulfurzyme …mix well. Drop in YL Essential oils. Mix well, store in empty V-6 bottle, or other eco- friendly safe nontoxic bottle.

What Essential Oils Should I Avoid in the Sun?

Remember to avoid essential oils that contain citrus; and this includes your blends! These oils are photosensitive and can create skin spots or discoloration of the skin.

In my recipes I am referring only to Young Living’s Essential Oils, which are clinically tested by ISO and AFNOR standards to be 100% pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. These oils are medicinal quality. Most essential oils on the market are “extended” with petrochemicals. As the essential oils industry is tested by the same standards as the perfume industry, it is legal for them to say they are 100% pure therapeutic grade oils, even when they are “extended.” This is industry standard. You will not get the same results when using other oils.

Have you ever made your own sunscreen? Sound fun or silly? Would love your comments and (positive) feedback! Have any tips or information you can share with us? Please comment below.

disclaimer: These homemade sunscreen recipes have not been evaluated by any regulating bodies and is for personal use only. Thanks to YL distributors for the sunscreen recipes.


How often do we minimize the power of prayer and necessity of it! It is the very core of what keeps us tapped into our life source who in turn gives us His perspective through the "crazy's" of life. Giving us HIS Joy, HIS Peace, HIS strength, and the list goes on.

DO I THINK HE HEARS AND ANSWERS ME? The Lord interrupted my prayer one time a few months ago with this thought. The answer is well yes...of course! But do I really? My attitude in prayer has always been that He is sovereign, in control, and that ultimately His will will be done. While ALL this is true and there is comfort and peace in that this lead to prayerlessness! Subtly and over time, without even realizing it it lead to an attitude that my prayer isnt going to make a difference anyways because His will is going to be done regardless of my prayer. Wow! Isnt that a clever way the enemy can creep in and sabotage my prayer life? Well that's what he did in me...until now. The Lord has challenged me to get into the Word to see what He says about prayer and to study how the men and women in scripture prayed. Im excited to see what lessons are in store for me!

Heed the sound of my cry for help my King and my God, For to you I pray. In the morning I will order my prayer to you and EAGERLY WATCH! Psalm 5:3

Therefore let everyone who is Godly pray to you in a time when you can be found. Psalm 32:6

My people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and SEEK my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will turn from heaven and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Enjoying some Starbuck's - First Frappachino

And...they loved it!! Of course! This one has soy instead of milk specially made for Connor.

Preston the "Determined"

Preston's personality is wrapped up into one word..Maybe two...Determined & Aware...he's getting hard to even change his diaper. Whatever he sees he goes after. Cries if he can't quite reach it. These pictures are taken during a diaper change...he obviously wants my phone and is a good picture of his developing personality.

My prayer for you Preston...use your determination for His glory and honor through doing good!

To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. (Romans 2:7 NIV)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Riding out the storm

Yesterday a Tornado ripped through an Oklahoma City suburb killing over 50 people. This same storm was headed our way yesterday evening around dinner time. We saw the sky turn dark, wind start blowing, and heard the Fayetteville "tornado warning" sirens. So we gathered some supplies and headed to my closet and all huddled there. Oh the chatter as we were trying to explain what was happening. Lot of questions and verbal processing. We attempted to calm their fears by explaining the storms...told them about how the warm clouds and the cold clouds crashing together make thunder. Explained how tornadoes work and assured them they are not the lightning. We talked about the Otis and the tornado book and how all the farmers and animals were safe after the tornado passed because they were in their "safe place"....like us. (Didnt share that even safe places aren't always safe from massive tornado's). We had the opportunity to pray for our safety and talk about how God is bigger than the thunderstorms.
Because of the additional storms rolling through the area, they were a little fearful of being by themselves. So we let them sleep in mommy and daddy's room...this has never happened before...so it was a treat for them.

It was good having a teachable moment like that. Although I would rather not be in danger of dangerous tornado's. My heart goes out to all the families that suffered the loss of loved ones in the tornado that ripped through a suburb of Oklahoma City.