Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother’s Day

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IMG_4907 IMG_4908 Monte Ne Inn in Monte Ne, Arkansas

For Mother’s Day me and my sweet family had a full day of fun.  This year I wanted to make sure that I remembered and honored my own mom and so we included decorating her grave as a part of our day.  To make this happen we packed a lunch and headed to Madison County where she is buried.  We cleaned and put flowers on her grave and then headed to the white river for a picnic lunch.  I really enjoy being out like this…guess I am a country girl at heart.  We ate PB&J sandwiches, chips, fruit and Skittles.   Had so much fun throwing rocks in the water and wading a bit.  Afterwards we headed home for a nap and then to one of my favorite restaurants…Monte Ne Inn Chicken.  I felt extra loved!  

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