Monday, February 20, 2012

Lesson from the Father...

As I looked out my window this morning praying about the heaviness that's in my heart the Lord used a bird on the neighbors house to speak to me. He has used birds before to speak deeply into my heart...interesting. :) This bird was on top of the neighbor's frost covered roof looking directly into the sunrise. This little bird just sat there, not caring that he was sitting on a frost covered roof, not caring what the other birds were doing, he just sat there staring into the beautiful sunrise...this captured his attention more than his discomforts (do birds feel cold on their feet???) of being on that frost covered roof, and more than being concerned about what the other birds were doing.

Jesus is my sunrise... being enamored by his love, his wisdom, his joy, his peace...all who He is. I need to drink deeply from Him. The other frustrations, disappointments, and needs, seem to fade when He has invaded my innermost being because I am completely satisfied with a lasting satisfaction. There are no other needs more important than HIM!

Then over breakfast He used "Jesus Calling" to reiterate His lesson to me...

"Learn to LIVE from your true Center in Me. I reside in the deepest depths of your being, in eternal union with your spirit. It is at this deep level that My Peace reigns continually. You will not find lasting peace in the world around you, in circumstances, or in human relationships. The external world is always in flux-under the curse of death and decay. But there is a gold mine of Peace deep within you, waiting to be tapped. Take time to delve into the riches of My residing Presence. I want you to live increasingly from your real Center, where My Love has an eternal GRIP on you. I am Christ in you, the hope of Glory."

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