Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Birthday!

Brad and my friends as always make me feel loved and appreciated on my birthday. I cringe at all the attention but also love seeing how much people care... I know, it's weird! I wish i could explain it! The Lord has blessed me beyond measure with great people in my life. I have always missed my family but HE has abundantly blessed me with people who reach out and show me love, truth, and encouragement when I need it! They are my family now...:) I feel incredibly blessed to be a daughter of the Most High, wife to a great husband, and momma to 2 sweet boys who fill my heart and life with laughter and joy.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Picking up

After Eli's nap today I found his socks that he had on today in his basket... He had taken them off and tried to put them away!!! Normally they are on the floor! Yes they were in the wrong place but he tried to put them away without me asking him to!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fun at the Park

We went to Murphy park today to feed the ducks! It was a beautiful day and everyone had fun! The highlight for Connor were the swings...he loves them! We made a stop at the playground too... Eli can climb up to the highest slide now without fear. I'm so glad! Connor is ok with the slides but he prefers the swings. :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Eli's NEW Big boy bed

Eli moved into a BIG BOY bed! He never started climbing out of his crib so we didn't see the urgency in changing his crib until now. With Baby number 3 coming Eli will be moving into an even bigger Big Boy bed in his new room so we decided that we needed to start getting him aquainted with the toddler bed. We had been talking about the upcoming change for the past couple of weeks. The night of the transition we fully expected a fight. So..we armed ourselves with a toy that he picked out at Walmart and another conversation of the new expectations that come along with the new freedoms that he has. HE DID GREAT and continues to do so! Wait. I have to say that after I left the room the first night he got up and stood against his bed and looked around. I popped back in his room and told him to get back in his bed. He asked "Get down Momma?" and I said no Eli, not until the morning. He stayed put and has ever since! :) When he gets up in the morning he calls for me to come get him. Most of the time he lays in his bed until I get there or we find him sitting in the chair waiting for us. Sweety...I love how compliant he has been with this! I am so proud!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

While they were sleeping

I found this little book and I began using it daily. While the boys are sleeping I pray for specific spiritual qualities to be present in their hearts. GREAT BOOK!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Haircuts = meltdown

Our sweet Connor just despises haircuts! The clippers and other electric devices scare him! It makes it really hard and ends up being a choppy haircut because Momma is trying to hurry! So...no clippers are used on sweet Connor only scissors and even that is a battle. Guess he doesn't like it just the way it is! He feels the same way about his finger nails.

I bribe a little with a sucker...:) It works a little!

Love God Love Others!

Best Buddies!!!

We went to North Hills Health and Rehab to hand out the valentine's we made. The people loved our kiddos and they loved them. This year they have matured enough to talk a little with them...they are not as timid. It was so precious watching these little ones show "love" to those people! My prayer is for Eli and Connor to have a sensitivity and compassion to those that have need. That they would take time to serve them... The Lord first, Others second, and themselves third!

Lesson from the Father...

As I looked out my window this morning praying about the heaviness that's in my heart the Lord used a bird on the neighbors house to speak to me. He has used birds before to speak deeply into my heart...interesting. :) This bird was on top of the neighbor's frost covered roof looking directly into the sunrise. This little bird just sat there, not caring that he was sitting on a frost covered roof, not caring what the other birds were doing, he just sat there staring into the beautiful sunrise...this captured his attention more than his discomforts (do birds feel cold on their feet???) of being on that frost covered roof, and more than being concerned about what the other birds were doing.

Jesus is my sunrise... being enamored by his love, his wisdom, his joy, his peace...all who He is. I need to drink deeply from Him. The other frustrations, disappointments, and needs, seem to fade when He has invaded my innermost being because I am completely satisfied with a lasting satisfaction. There are no other needs more important than HIM!

Then over breakfast He used "Jesus Calling" to reiterate His lesson to me...

"Learn to LIVE from your true Center in Me. I reside in the deepest depths of your being, in eternal union with your spirit. It is at this deep level that My Peace reigns continually. You will not find lasting peace in the world around you, in circumstances, or in human relationships. The external world is always in flux-under the curse of death and decay. But there is a gold mine of Peace deep within you, waiting to be tapped. Take time to delve into the riches of My residing Presence. I want you to live increasingly from your real Center, where My Love has an eternal GRIP on you. I am Christ in you, the hope of Glory."

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

Valentines day has been celebrated a lot this year! We made owl valentines to hand out to our friends at the playgroup valentine party at Hudson's house...Then we made valentine's for the nursing home... Eli's frog class at the Sonshine school had a party....then we celebrated as a family with dinner from noodles by candlelight! We greeted daddy when he walked in from work with a valentine the boys and I made and Jim Brickman playing over pandora... Brad bought me and boys chocolate and a rose. He had also made reservations to James at the mill for us that had to be cancelled...pregnancy has made me tired and nauseous:(. Maybe next year! Overall I think everyone felt loved!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Elis 3rd birthday

For his birthday this year we celebrated differently. No party was given BUT we did special things that he would love. He wanted to feed the ducks and geese at Murphy park...seriously, he asked daily when we would go. I made cars and mator cupcakes for his class at school and we went to have one of his favorites...pizza...for dinner! I made him waffles for breakfast and we had his best friend over Hudson for lunch. Since he loves Thomas the Train so much Brad worked hard on assembling his train table... he researched how to lay out the track and destinations and secure it to the table. So...Eli and Connor will get more use now out of the track since it will not be destroyed every 15 minutes. He LOVED it!!!