Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Polar Express Train Ride

Eli LOVES anything with wheels but he ESPECIALLY likes trains. Thomas the train is a popular toy around our house with all his buddies...henry, percy, mike, toby, Duncan, Molly....the list goes on and he can tell you every one. He loves the Thomas shows and especially likes his track that Daddy built him. So...we thought he would especially love Polar Express Train ride with the Arkansas Missouri Railroad where he actually rides on a REAL train. He did! Daddy arranged the whole thing. We packed our lunch and met him after Connor's nap at the train station. Eli couldn't quite take it all in. He wanted to walk on the track, look at the hand carved conductor, and see all the little trains in the museum. I think he was satisfied with looking at everything around the station and then he saw the train. He actually heard it first and his eyes were as round as silver dollars. I had a hard time keeping him from running out on the track. I think Connor enjoyed it too but Eli especially did!

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