Sunday, December 25, 2011


Christmas Eve - reading with Papa

What a fun Christmas we had! Christmas Eve Brad's parents Jim and Marilyn came down. They ate lunch with us and attended the Christmas Eve service at Fellowship with us. Christmas Eve we ate dinner with Dad and David and had a good time! Brad and I put the stockings on their bedroom doors (because we can't hang them on the mantle - safety reasons) so when they got up they got to go through their stockings. Eli still remembers that Toby was in his stocking...when he sees stockings in pictures he says Toby?!?! The kids loved tearing into their gifts and Momma and Daddy did too! Momma got an IPHONE!!! Yippee! So I can actually stay connected to people outside my home via facebook and email. :) We tried to keep Jesus the focus of the season...and Santa secondary. We didn't completely banish Santa just wanted him to be secondary to the real reason we celebrate.

"For unto you a Child is born...Unto you a Son is given...His name shall be call Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, and Prince of Peace!"

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Big Catch

One of Brad's favorite hobbies is fishing! Oh how he loves to do this. I love to see the joy all over his face when he comes in with his "Big Catch". He is proud. I think Eli loved seeing Daddy so excited.

Polar Express Train Ride

Eli LOVES anything with wheels but he ESPECIALLY likes trains. Thomas the train is a popular toy around our house with all his buddies...henry, percy, mike, toby, Duncan, Molly....the list goes on and he can tell you every one. He loves the Thomas shows and especially likes his track that Daddy built him. So...we thought he would especially love Polar Express Train ride with the Arkansas Missouri Railroad where he actually rides on a REAL train. He did! Daddy arranged the whole thing. We packed our lunch and met him after Connor's nap at the train station. Eli couldn't quite take it all in. He wanted to walk on the track, look at the hand carved conductor, and see all the little trains in the museum. I think he was satisfied with looking at everything around the station and then he saw the train. He actually heard it first and his eyes were as round as silver dollars. I had a hard time keeping him from running out on the track. I think Connor enjoyed it too but Eli especially did!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Build and Grow

Daddy and Eli went to Lowe's and built a train! Each week they would build another piece to the week it was the caboose...then the coal car...and the week before Christmas they built the engine. Good job Eli!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas time at the Fayetteville Square

We ate pizza at one of our favorites...Tim's Pizza and then headed to the square to enjoy the lights, music and ponies. Everyone had fun!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Heart of Service

My prayer has always been for my boys to Love the Lord and Love others well! Trying to expose him to opportunities to serve as often as I can. Some friends and I took our kiddos to North Hills nursing home to hand out candy canes. How precious it is to see the elderly's faces "light up" when they see these precious kiddos. Father, I pray that you would instill in Eli's and Connor's hearts the ability to say "ME THIRD". You first, others second, and themselves third. May they have hearts of compassion, and a willingness to serve!

Silliness...always trying to make our home a fun place!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas time at the Mall

We went to the mall to have some fun in the hustle and bustle of the season. We rode some rides, played on the play ground, and of course went to look in Melodies Choices and play with their trains.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Our 5 Year Anniversary

We have been married for 5 years now. Where has the time gone?!?! What do I say...we love each other more now than the day we got married. I planned a date that would take us down "memory lane". We went to Olive Garden for dinner...we went there often while we were dating... then to Locomotion for some fun playing arcade games... then to Panera Bread for some Hot Chocolate and a review of our scrapbook when we were dating...our first date was there. I love this Man! Thank you Jesus for Him! :)