Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer Fun

We have had so much fun this summer! Playing outside with neighbors is a highlight! We love our neighbor friends. The boys love racing up and down the sidewalk on theirs Mini kick scooters. Eli just loves it! We have enjoyed walks on the trail, the water park, boingo bounce, gymnastics joe'a and of course chickfila. :) More fun to come.

Preston's First Haircut - 9 months

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Big Brother



This is a perfect picture of the relationship between Eli and Connor right now.  Eli trying to tell Connor how the “world” works and Connor being forced to listen (notice his hand around his neck).  Yes, Eli is trying to help Connor and sometimes Connor wants to hear about it but most times he doesn’t.  He would rather figure it out on his own. Smile

Preston -9mos

Preston you are the most determined little guy I have ever met! Your little personality makes me laugh. You love to imitate me and for me to imitate you! One thing you have learned is how to make a clicking sound with your tongue. You learned that within a few minutes of me showing you. You do not stay in one spot for longer than 15seconds because you don't want to miss out on seeing other things. Determined, go getter, strong willed are just a few words to describe you. You smile often and love to be talked to! You are very ticklish especially on your neck right under your ear.

You are 50th percentile in weight and 50th percentile in head circumference and 3rd in weight. We are concerned about your weight so we monitor you daily. I have increased your nursing sessions and made them more frequent. You still like nursing unless you want to explore and don't have time. :) best nursing times are morning evening and after naps. I try as nurse you before and after your naps. Your bedtime is around 6pm and you wake up around 6. I am starting to push you back a little bit on your bedtime now that you are getting a little older and can handle staying up a little longer without getting over tired. Really looking forward to you sleeping a little later in the mornings. Your naps are from 9-11 and 1:30-3:00.

You love me to sing "itsy bitsy spider" to you. Your brothers like singing to you as well! They watch out for you and love you! They look forward to when you can play with them too!

May you continue to grow in wisdom, favor with God and Man.

Love you!!

Some facts about this month:
Cut 4 top teeth at same time
Can imitate clicking with tongue
First haircut
Sitting up
Standing strong
Eats 3 meals a day
Breakfast -porridge (barley,millet,flax,rice,oats,flax oil, rice milk) - bananas
Lunch - veggie cube in yogurt
Dinner - veggie cube/fruit cube, , porridge or food we are eating.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Please smile for the Camera!



This is a great picture that shows how much my boys love to take pictures!  Please say cheese to the camera I will say….  I will even persuade them to say something that I just know will bring a smile and then when they do smile and look at the camera the fleeting moment comes and goes and I snap the picture a moment too late!  Uugh!   I just have to get good at capturing those “natural” moments where their real personalities come through.  Ha! 

Fun in the Backyard




We love playing in our backyard!

Daddy Day

Daddy's day started off with a special breakfast that I completely ruined because of constant sweet interruptions. The rest of morning was spent encouraging Connor in his potty training! Boys and I made a sign that said happy Father's Day...we love you! We all took much needed naps and headed to Springdale aquatic pops. Ended day with a steak dinner...being cooked as I write this. Hope it turns out better than breakfast. :) Brad is a wonderful daddy and husband! I couldn't ask for anyone better! Ps- he never said one word about out ruined breakfast...smiled and said it's ok! What a sweet guy! We love him!

Preston - 7 months

Sleeps through the night! Woohoo!

Started to army crawl to get where you need to go.

Cut bottom teeth

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Can jump!! 2 years 8months

Favorite movie is Mo and the big exit.

Bible Verses memorized: (through hermie and friends bible memory songs)
For god so loved the world he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should have eternal life

Do not say harmful things but say what people need. Words that will help others become stronger. What you say will help those who listen to you.

I have taken your word to heart, that I might not sin against you. In all my life ill try to obey you, god don't let me break your commands.

Connor loves riding on "Robby" the car

Playing in Puddles

Life's too short to not enjoy the small things that you would walk on by and maybe even avoid! Went on a walk around the neighborhood with Michele Tencleve and as I just finished telling boys to go around the puddle she had the idea to stop and play. I have to admit I thought oh no I'm going to have to change everyone's clothes, I wondered what was lurking in that water and lastly we dont have time because I have to get dinner started! Anyways I'm so thankful for my friend Chele who challenges me to stop and enjoy the small things in life!