Friday, March 29, 2013

Eli - 4 yrs 4months

Has started shortening his naps to 2 hours...sometimes 1 1/2 hours.

Favorite worship song is mighty to save and god's not dead he's surely alive...

Knows letters and sounds. Recognizes numbers 1-10. Can spell his name. Can write the letter A and his name (with a little help). He's eager to learn.

Getting pretty fast on his scooter! Likes to even bring one leg up to the side to show off his balancing skills. :)

Funny sayings...
Scratch my back Connor - he loves his back scratched.

After pulling into garage out of rain Eli observes the dripping off the car...Momma the car is melting!

Connor says I don't like the rain, eli says...rain won't hurt you! Rain doesn't sting but the thunder will!

Momma I love you!

Momma...I like your shirt (pajama's) He's very complimentary...

Daddy did you remember that I love you?

Doesn't like thunderstorms - fascinated with concept of cold and warm clouds crashing together.

Insists on giving Preston gig and kiss before bed every night. Cries if he can't. Sweet brother.

I don't like snakes...they have stingers in their mouth!

loves CFA comic books

Bible Verses memorized: (through hermie and friends bible memory songs)
For god so loved the world he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should have eternal life

Do not say harmful things but say what people need. Words that will help others become stronger. What you say will help those who listen to you.

I have taken your word to heart, that I might not sin against you. In all my life ill try to obey you, god don't let me break your commands.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Preston 6 months

Preston you are growing so much! You have successfully cut your 2 bottom teeth. You take a morning nap that starts around 9:15 and two in the afternoon. Bedtime is around 7:30 and you get up around 6:30-7. Your brothers adore you. You talk a lot and most often times are content. You roll over to get where you need to go! You started solid foods and eat like a champ. We love you!