Awww…the love of cars!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Visit to Firestation
Oh Wow! This place is a little boys dream! The Fayetteville Station Firemen were willing to let our little guys check out their fire trucks and they also put on all their gear! What a treat that was. They also got to watch them slide down the pole. The kids got to sit in the fire trucks and check out all the equipment. Eli really enjoyed it! We appreciate our Fayetteville Firemen!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Storytime at the Library with Papa
On Monday mornings at 9:45am Fayetteville Public Library has a storytime for little ones. Dad is usually there anyways reading the newspapers or a book so he typically joins us. The boys love both the storytime and time with Papa. It is most often times packed with little ones and their momma’s so you don’t want to be late!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Love my boys!
I couldn’t get Eli to take his picture with me…he doesn’t like the camera.
Celebrated Easter at Gulley park with Friends! Had burgers and an Easter Egg hunt. What a great way to celebrate!
The Hunt!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Cast your cares upon Me
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Our Mornings
This is a what a typical morning looks like around our house. I wish I could have captured our "dancing" before devo time. :) After breakfast we pick up and have our time with the Lord. And's book time! They actually don't fight me with book time. They both pick out about 5 books and have some quiet time to read. Connor is usually done in about 5 minutes but I try to encourage Eli to sit there for around 15 minutes. Some days I read to them during this time and some days I don't. I want them to learn to love books...which thankfully that hasn't been hard to do! :)
After book time we try to have some sort of constructive a puzzle, stack blocks, color, really anything other than pushing their cars or trains. They seem to like the structured times in fact Eli will say "Book time Mama"??? "Puzzle time Mama"?