Monday, December 31, 2012
New Toy
Air Museum
When it's cold outside we are always looking for some fun indoors. So, Brad took Eli and Connor to the air museum. They loved it! There were plenty of things they get excited about...air planes, helicopters, jeeps, and cool cars. Brad said that they did really good. They were not allowed to touch and they obeyed that rule well in spite of the immense temptation to touch!
When Daddy came home from work we bundled up and headed out to play. We didn't get much...maybe 1/2"- 1"...but it was enough to have a snowball fight.
Such fun!! After we came in we enjoyed some hot chocolate!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
We love Christmas! Traditions we have are doing advent…every night we sit down and light the candles of hope, peace, joy and love while playing out the Christmas story with the Little People nativity. The boys love it and it keeps us focused on what’s important. Christmas Eve we attend the Christmas Eve service at Fellowship and then come home for a ham dinner. Christmas we have a big breakfast and big dinner. This year we had our friends the Brown’s over to celebrate. Thankful for Jesus’ birth!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Great Sleeper
I finally woke him up and he was bright eyed...sleep does a body good!!!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Sweet Love…
My good friend and very talented interior designer, photographer, very creative friend Sarah Pennington took these wonderful pictures! There are SO many good ones that I cannot post them all. I cherish these with my sweet little guy! I wanted to capture some mommy time with him while he is so little. Love my little man!