Saturday, August 13, 2011

Serving at the Farm

Eli and Hudson

I took Eli to the Farm to serve. They had a planting day and we went to help. He did a good job! He planted one broccoli plant. :) We always enjoy being at the Farm. They have chickens that are tame and will let you pet them. They have a tractor, lots of dirt, and friendly folks! What a great ministry the farm has. Helping to raise produce to feed the hungry! Love it...

Dad's shattered knee

Dad came back from Arizona to visit and during his visit he rode his bike everywhere. On one of his rides he fell and fell in such a way that he completely shattered his knee and cracked his fibula. It required surgery and an extensive hospital stay. He stayed for around 3 weeks in a Nursing Home/Rehab Center in Warner Oklahoma. This is a picture taken when he came home from Warner. He stayed with us for around 8 weeks prior to moving into an apartment off of the Fayetteville Square.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Our first Watermelon from the Garden

We had a garden this year that had several different fruits and vegetables in it. We are amateurs with gardening so we were pretty proud of our watermelon. This one we ended up picking too soon... we ended up with one 1 decent watermelon. Definitely not worth the effort so we don't plan to raise watermelons again. Only vegetable that did really good were the OKRA! We have 4 or 5 gallon sized bags in our freezer.

I also enjoyed canning jellies and vegetables that I bought from Farmers Market. This was my first year to can...I'll definitely do it again next year!