Sunday, July 31, 2011

Vacation at a working ranch in Antlers OK

I found a working ranch that had guest houses that you could rent. Our "house" ended up being a restored 1930's passenger car. Being that Eli loves trains we thought it would be perfect! And it was! It was completely decorated with a 1930's theme including a claw foot tub. The setting was beautiful. Within 100 yards there was a stocked pond with ducks, paddle boats, and canoes. It wasn't unusual for a Texas Longhorn to be grazing 15 yards from our place. Eli loved seeing them up close! There were lots of horses around as well. It was quiet and restful. We even enjoyed some time in their pool. Eli began to really enjoy the pool here. He learned that he could jump in to Daddy and make a big splash. He got over his fear of going under the water here. We all had fun!

Friday, July 22, 2011

A Laundry Basket and a Cookie Sheet

Who knew a cookie sheet and a laundry basket could be so much fun? Since Eli loves cars and he loves to run them practically anywhere. So...we made a ramp using the laundry basket and cookie sheet. He played with that for around an hour....great toy!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Breaking Green Beans

Breaking Green Beans can be a lot of fun! Easy too...Eli could even join in the fun! I bought some beans from Fayetteville Farmers Market and plan to can them so we can enjoy them year round!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Daddy sprained his Foot

Connor 9 months

Connor is 9 months Old!!! He already likes the remote control in his little hand. :) He is such a happy boy most of the time and easy going. We are so thankful for him!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sweet Pictures of my Boys

I love each of these pictures for different reasons!  The first of Connor shows his love for his brother Eli.  I love how Daddy spends time with his boys especially teaching them His truths.  I love the last one of Eli because it captures his smile he gives us most of the time.  A smile that says...I'm up to something...and...I am loving life!

Potty Training

When Eli turned 2 1/2 he started to become interested in the Potty! So...I bought some stickers, candy and rented a video for him to watch. He would sit on the potty for an M&M. I would encourage him to sit them for awhile using books but he just wanted to sit for a minute and then he was done. It was never long enough for him to go potty. I didn't want to push him so we waited until he was older to start again.