Crazy amount of snow fall...are we in Minnesota? We received around 19 inches in 1 day! We had a good time playing with bubbles, markers, cupcakes and the laundry basket. :)
Momma and Daddy spent 2 hours blowing up balloons the night before. 40+balloons were EVERYWHERE. It was worth it to hear him say "OOONS!!!!!" with excitement that next morning! Amazing how much fun "ooons" can be. :)
It's hard to believe that my sweet Eli is already 2. Seems like just yesterday that I was in the hospital with him. There have been so many changes over the last 2 years. Some good and some not so good...:) I can barely keep it all written down. I want to savor every second because I will blink and he will be grown and leaving the house. For his birthday I had planned to get all his friends together to have a play date at his favorite restaurant CHICKFILA..cow and all.... BUT the snow storm of the century hit our area on his special day. :( Seriously...we have set a new record for snowfall in NWA in 1 day. Some places measured up to 25 inches. Crazy.) We made the most of it as you can see from the pictures. My heart is full of love for this little guy. I pray Lord that you will begin even now working in his heart to know you. Thank you for gifting him with his tender spirit and for his joyful countenance. I pray he would learn patience, be slow to get angry and frustrated, and wisdom for me to know how to handle his tantrums - biting, hitting, throwing things. I know a lot of his frustration comes from not being able to communicate what he feels. This little guy is pretty special...I especially love his big hugs.

It's amazing all the fun you can have indoors...all you need for a 2 year old are balloons, laundry basket, markers, cupcakes and bubbles, and let the fun begin. :)

It's amazing all the fun you can have indoors...all you need for a 2 year old are balloons, laundry basket, markers, cupcakes and bubbles, and let the fun begin. :)